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Post-Operative Instructions: BOTOX®


Is there anything I should not do after BOTOX?

  1. No rubbing or massaging of the injected area for 4 hours after treatment, including facials.
  2. No strenuous exercise for 24 hours after treatment.
  3. Keep upright for 4 hours—no lying on your front. Make sure to minimize your activities for the day.
  4. Avoid headwear that is tightly fitted across the forehead.
  5. Reduce excessive alcohol consumption or medically necessary blood thinning medication before the treatment to prevent bruising.

Patients can resume normal daily activities immediately following the treatment. Light exercise can be performed after 4 hours, but it is recommended that strenuous activities are avoided for 24 hours.

After 24 hours you may perform light exercise, such as:

  • Walking
  • Jogging
  • Upright yoga
  • Gardening

It is recommended that you wait 48 hours before attempting any strenuous exercise, including:

  • Weight training
  • Cross training
  • Long-distance running
  • Yoga (positions where the body is inverted)

Your face will not feel overly sore or tender. Treatment will not prevent you from washing or continuing with your normal skincare regimen. However, you are advised to avoid rubbing or massaging your face for up to 4 hours after your last treatment.

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